Individual Auditory Simulation (IAS)

What is it?

Auditory Stimulation programmes are drug free, home based alternative therapies which are designed to stimulate the neural pathways in the brain that are responsible for language, and processing auditory information. They can also have a positive effect upon balance and co-ordination due to also working with the internal senses: the vestibular and proprioceptive systems.

What does it involve?

It involves listening to specially composed / treated music recordings for a short period per day (10- 30minutes – depending upon the level of prescribed listening) for a period of 8 -12 months.

What conditions can it help?

It is well understood that many specific learning difficulties also have a large auditory and / or sensory processing component within them. These include:

  • dyslexia,
  • dyspraxia,
  • ADHD
  • speech and language difficulties
  • autistic spectrum disorders.

You may also recognise that your child / young person struggles with some or many of the following

  • Needing to have directions or information repeated
  • Poor auditory sequential memory
  • Disrupted sleep patterns and emotional problems
  • Misunderstanding spoken information. directions or questions
  • Challenges listening in background noise
  • Finding some sounds uncomfortable or painful
  • Trouble with auditory discrimination skills
  • Difficulties with math concepts
  • Poor balance, co-ordination, and motor skills
  • Continence problems
  • Poor concentration and attention skills

The good news is that Sound Therapy / Auditory Stimulation can help with all of the above!

Who can benefit?

The Auditory Stimulation Programmes are suitable for children aged three years and above.

Such auditory programmes can be undertaken as a stand-alone remedial approach or it may be beneficial to combine such therapy with a Reflex Integration / NDT Programme(for children aged 7 or above).

Your practitioner will recommend the best way forward for your child.

How do I access the programme?

  1. Complete the Screening Questionnaires which provide baseline information, such as a case history, attention, balance & co-ordination and language history, and an insight into possible auditory processing and visual difficulties. To request the screening questionnaires, please
  2. Once the Screening Questionnaires have been returned, an Initial Consultation is organised to determine whether further assessment is recommended.
  3. If recommended, clients are invited to attend an Audio Assessment where an audiogram is completed together with tests for laterality, co-ordination, and language.
  4. The results of the assessment are then used to decide the level of listening and a customised recording is made.
    N.B. If it is not possible to complete an audiogram due to the age of the child or attention deficits, it is still possible to access the Programme. In such cases, it is possible for these individuals to start their listening with a more generic gentle programme.
  5. Regular Reviews are organised every six to eight weeks when the many of the tests completed at the audio assessment are repeated and functional changes are noted.
    This information is used to assess progress and to provide the information needed for the next CD or download.
On average, most individuals listen to five CDs/downloads during the programme, with the overall programme taking 8-12 months to complete.

Further Information

To request information and copies of the relevant screening questionnaires, please email:

For further information regarding the specific programmes which are offered, please refer to the following websites/links: