What are Retained Primitive Reflexes?

Retained Primitive Reflexes are involuntary movement patterns that are present in infants but should naturally integrate or disappear as a child develops. When these primitive reflexes persist beyond their normal developmental timeline, they are considered “retained” and can impact a child’s physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

What is Reflex Integration Therapy?

Reflex Integration Therapy (INPP Method) is a daily developmental movement programme that works to address the effects of early developmental trauma by assessing, diagnosing and integrating retained baby reflexes. It involves the parent or main carer supporting the child to complete specific exercises for 10-15 minutes per day every day for a period of approximately 12-18 months.

Research has shown that the continued present of retained reflexes may underlie specific learning difficulties, under achievement and behavioural problems. These can be overcome by undertaking a daily movement programme of prescribed exercises designed to improve the physical maturity within an individual’s central nervous system (CNS). An additional benefit is that the programme is completely drug free and non-invasive. 

Or call Jacqui on 07790 783280 today.

Find out more about Jacqui.

Who is Reflex Integration Therapy for?

The Developmental Programmes are appropriate for children aged 7 years and above who are struggling with Retained Primitive Reflexes. 

If you are seeing your child:

    • Struggling academically  – difficulties reading, writing, spelling, numeracy?
    • Struggling to fall or stay asleep – having nightmares or night terrors or difficulty switching off?
    • Struggling with their emotions – anxiety & tears, anger outbursts & meltdowns? 
    • Lacking in  focus and concentration – always distracted or daydreaming?
    • Suffering with low confidence and self-esteem?
    • Having difficulty with balance & co-ordination – always falling over, clumsy? 
    • Struggling to play sport – poor hand to eye, eye to foot co-ordination?
    • Struggling to complete everyday tasks but do not understand why?
    • Unable to sit still, even for short periods of time or constantly fiddling?

Then contact me today for a free no obligation consultation or call me on 07790 783280 for help.

What are the benefits of Reflex Integration Therapy?

As a parent, are you feeling frazzled or baffled and finding family life stressful?

The Developmental Programme can help and benefit you and your child by:

    • Understanding the root causes of your child’s behaviour
    • Improving your child’s academic performance
    • Improved sporting performance
    • Parents and children feel more empowered and achieving their true potential
    • Improved relationships – parent & child, child to child
    • A deeper connexion with your child
    • A calmer family life

Working together, the therapy will: 

  • Help you to understand what is driving your child’s behaviour.
  • Help you to support your child to mature their Central Nervous System. 
  • Provide you with practical strategies, tools, and advice to implement at home so your child can express their brilliance and achieve their true potential.
  • Increased self esteem and confidence for all – parent and child.

How does Reflex Integration Therapy work?

The Reflex Integration Programme gives the child the opportunity to go back to the very beginning of balance training and postural development.

Following a detailed assessment of their primitive reflex responses, your child will be given an individual programme of specific developmental exercises to be carried out for just 10-15 minutes per day under your supervision. The programme follows a chronological sequence, the first stage being to gain head control – the basis for good posture, and secondly, the ability to use right and left sides, and upper and lower sections of the body in different ways – the basis for co-ordination.

The exercises are based on the natural movements normally made during the first year of life and most are carried out in a slow and controlled way on the floor. These movements form the foundation for all voluntary movements later.

What happens in a Reflex Integration Therapy session?

Treatments are carried out fully clothed, in a quiet peaceful environment. 

The Full Diagnostic Assessment

This assessment lasts approximately three hours and involves understanding more about your child’s ability to balance, their gross and fine motor skills, co-ordination, laterality and ocular motor function. Having welcomed you into my therapy space, I will explain more about the way that I work and spend time getting to know your child, involving them in identifying areas and goals that they would like to feel more comfortable and competent about. I will then take your child through a series of assessments in order to understand which exercises would be the most appropriate to start with and take you through these.

Follow Up Reviews

Arranged every 6-8 weeks, these last approximately 90 minutes. I will begin by reviewing the last few weeks with yourself and your child to understand what has changed. I will then spend some time repeating some of the physical assessments that were performed as part of the Full Diagnostic Assessment: those for the Primitive Reflexes, static and dynamic balance and oculomotor function. This information will enable me to decide which exercises would be the most appropriate going forwards. I will then spend some time taking yourself and your child through these.

There are times during the Review when a deeper process tries to come forward to be witnessed. When this occurs, I will work intuitively with my other therapy skills (Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Integrative Baby Therapy) to hold a safe therapeutic space and let this process unfold. This may mean an additional review session would need to be organised.

Ongoing Support & Mentoring

Between reviews, I provide ongoing support for your child in the form of regular exercise check-ins to ensure all is progressing at the right pace and level for them, whilst empowering you with the tools and understanding to create a nurturing environment for growth and success for all.

How will your child feel after a Therapy Session?

Due to the nature of the Retained Reflexes therapy, each client’s journey is a very personal and individual one in which I work in deep relationship with their system. Many children feel tired after their assessment, so it is advisable to plan a quiet time for the rest of the day. There may also be a post behavioural or emotional reaction too such as irritability, low tolerance for frustration or becoming easily stressed or anxious. I invite parents to hold such situations in a calm and empathetic way whilst also being curious as your child may be trying to give you an insight into a deeper pattern. Such symptoms should ease within the following 24-48 hours. 

New exercises may also cause a similar reaction or a regression in behaviour for a short period whilst your child’s system adjusts to working at a different level.

What Happens Next?

To find out more, please call me on 07790 783280 or arrange an initial free consultation with no obligation today.

Engaging in the Neuro Developmental Reflex Integration Programme

Initial Enquiry – Free No Obligation Discovery Call (30 minutes)

Clarity call£95

    • Understanding the key issues
        • Screening Questionnaires

        • Clarifying background history

    • Post call email making recommendations re: way forward

Initial Consultation – £175

    • Face to Face Physical Assessment
        • Explanation of the work

        • Building relationships with the child

        • Assessment/testing – dynamic & static balance / key primitive reflexes / oculomotor

        • Recommendations & everyday practical advice

    • Follow up email with recommendations

Enrolment onto the Developmental Movement Programme – £560

    • Full Diagnostic Assessment (approximately 3 hours)
        • Physical assessment for Balance & Co-ordination, Gross and Fine motor skills, Primitive and Postural Reflexes, Oculomotor Function, Laterality

        • Written Tests

        • Analysis of results

        • Coaching in First Exercises

    • Report Reading and Exercise Check (approximately 2 hours)
        • Writing a full report, sharing results, checking exercises, providing ongoing support

Ongoing Regular Reviews (6 – 8 weekly) – £175 (approximately 10)

    • Ongoing mentoring, support and check ins
        • practical strategies and parenting advice

    • Six weekly Physical Assessment and exercise review (90 minutes)
        • Exercise Check & recommendations
        • N.B. Additional sessions will be  charged at a pro rata rate

Final Assessment & Consultation – £250

    • Physical & Written Assessment (90 minutes)

    • Analysis of results

    • Written Report and Completion Certificate

N.B. A Neuro Developmental Reflex Integration Programme of this type can take 12-18 months to complete.