Useful Reading Material
I will go through all required information with you and ensure that we are addressing your specific needs. However, if you want to do further research then these resources and links will be helpful in starting that journey.
The Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK
Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology
Johansen Individual Auditory Stimulation
The Listening Programme
The Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council
Dyslexia Action
Provides support, assessments and tuition through our national Learning Centres, through online distance learning and in schools across the country, alongside supporting educators and employers through the provision of resources and training.
Dyspraxia Foundation
The Sensory Integration Network
The SI Network (UK & Ireland) is a not-for-profit organisation, promoting education, good practice and research into the theory and practice of Ayres’ Sensory Integration.
York Test Laboratories
Food intolerance testing.
Useful reading material
By Sally Goddard Blythe (Director INPP International)
The Genius of Natural Childhood: Secrets of Thriving Children
The Well Balanced Child: Movement and Early Learning
Attention, Balance, and Co-ordination – The A.B.C of Learning Success
Other Texts…
Smart Moves – why learning is not all in your head by Hannaford, Carla (PhD),
When the Brain can’t hear – Bellis, Teri James (PhD)
Hearing Equals Behaviour – Berard, Guy (H.D)
Smart but Feeling Dumb: The Challenging New Research on Dyslexia and How it May Help You – Levinson, Harold N. (M.D.)