Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy & Reflex Integration/Neuro-Developmental Therapy

Addressing the effects of trauma in adults and children through hands on and movement based therapy. Experience integration, wholeness and transformation by addressing a wide range of issues and providing numerous health benefits.

Jacqui is a qualified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist registered with the Craniosacral Therapy Association. She is also a Reflex Integration/Neuro Developmental Practitioner and a Licentiate of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology. Find out more here.

Pregnancy related issues? Traumatic or difficult birth experiences? Sleep problems/nightmares? Fear and anxiety? Shock, trauma or injury? Digestive issues? Behavioural problems?  All of these respond well to Bio-Dynamic Craniosacral Therapy / BCST. Find out more here.

Under performing at school? Learning difficulties? Poor concentration? Hyper-sensitivity? Difficult behaviour? Anger? Poor posture, balance and motor control? Co-ordination difficulties? Fear and anxiety? All of these respond well to Reflex Integration/Neuro Developmental Therapy. Find out more here.