‘I am SO GLAD that Sophie has had the opportunity to do the INPP Developmental Movement Programme. She has shown great enthusiasm (albeit after a rocky start!), and I have watched my little girl change from a timid and emotional shy child into a happy and confident one!!
She has less accidents now due to her co-ordination improving tenfold….. whereas before she was always tripping and falling over. Her attention span is a lot better, her reading is fantastic and she can now complete a task independently if she understands what is expected. Sophie’s friendships have increased to a wider selection rather than her just hanging out with the same child all the time. She is less sensitive, apart from when she is tired, and she acts more mature – acting more her age. She has also developed a great sense of humour! Thank you!’
Leandra and Sophie, Chippenham (July 2013)
‘Three of my five girls have been through the INPP Developmental Movement Programme with Jacqui. I found the Programme manageable even in my busy household. All three girls made noticeable improvements in their focus and concentration by the end of the course which continued over the next year, especially the younger daughter who went from writing about ¼ page to almost completing the whole page in her work.
I found Jacqui both friendly and supportive throughout the Programme.’
Joanne and family, Chippenham ( Feb 2016)
‘Fourteen months ago, I was the mother of an ADHD child who was at the end of her tether. My child was so hyped at home, so confused and insecure that he would only sleep through a couple of nights a month. He was unable to stay focused on any task, would always say ‘I don’t know’ and his academic work was well below his expected level.
Since completing the Developmental Movement Programme, I am listening to the same child reading aloud to himself. He now has a love of numbers and wants to learn his twelve times tables. His writing has improved. He can now express how he is feeling, is confident and beginning to believe in himself. Most importantly, he is happy! Oh, and he also sleeps through the night with the odd blip which we can all live with. Thank you so much for the opportunity and support!’
Sharon and Callum, Chippenham (Nov 2013)
‘I first met Jacqui when she was running the Movement Enables Minds programme at a primary school in Chippenham, Wiltshire. I was working as an advisory teacher at the time and having heard about Jacqui’s work, asked if I could sit in on a session. I was certainly inspired by what I observed in that first 30 minutes! Here was a practitioner who was dedicated, enthusiastic, confident and incredibly knowledgeable, completing a complex physical coordination programme with children who had already been ‘written off’ as low achievers, badly behaved, poor concentrators and physically underdeveloped, demonstrating dramatically to the education system that this could all change completely! Her passion shone as she showed me the research she was carrying out and the results she had already gathered, detailing the slow but steady progress children were making, not just academically, but socially, emotionally and behaviourally. Parents were also overwhelmed by the positive impact the programme was having on their children at home. They were more relaxed, sleeping better and happier all round. Jacqui’s aim was to work holistically and she sure was doing that!
Since that first date with Jacqui, we have worked together over the past seven years to improve the life chances of the children we both support. Jacqui is always on the lookout for any new training she can undertake to achieve this goal. She works diligently, often attending training courses at weekends and during holiday periods to bring herself up to date with the latest research and practitioner knowledge.
Jacqui is reliable, approachable and without doubt, one of the most inspirational colleagues I have had the pleasure to work alongside. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to any educational establishment. She has an amazing rapport with children and parents alike and staff can’t help but be impressed by her overt professionalism at all times.’
Aileen Collins, Advisory Teacher for Behaviour and Certified Play Therapist (April 2016)
George was put forward for the INPP Developmental Movement Programme whilst he was in Year 3 of Primary School. Having been diagnosed with dyslexia, it became apparent that the achievement gap was widening between him and his peers.
Jacqui was amazing from the start, enthusiastic and very inspirational. I left the very first meeting feeling this could really make a difference to George. For the first time it made sense of how George was feeling and dealing with school. He had very little confidence and was extremely anxious.
The programme is a commitment but is so very worthwhile. The results were great right from the start. Improvements were noted within the first few weeks and continued throughout the programme. Each review was a great boost for both of us and a renewal of commitment. Jacqui was a constant support and always approachable. As we worked through the programme, George grew in confidence and his schoolwork improved.
It really feels as if George has grown into the child he was meant to be. This is, I’m sure, down to the programme. The movement exercises are so subtle but they make such a difference. I would recommend this programme to anyone. It has certainly resulted in positive changes for George, in all areas of his life.
Louise and George Greenaway (April 2016)