29th December 2023 – Bath & Wiltshire Parent Magazine

Jacqui Ellis from Deep Connexions explains how she helped a child struggling with sleep, emotions, anxiety and completing everyday tasks
Parents come to me because they are finding it difficult to understand why their child is struggling with sleep, their emotions and behaviour, balance and co-ordination, completing everyday tasks, learning new things or coping with new situations, as there seems to be no obvious explanation.
The reasons for such struggles may be related to unseen/unheard experiences from the child’s time in womb and during birth. Such early preverbal experiences may have left ‘imprints’ upon the child’s subconscious memory and thus immaturities within the child’s central nervous system that are still affecting how the child lives/copes in their life today.
For many of the families that I have worked with, the results have been transformative.
I recall a recent case of an eleven-year-old boy who was struggling with very low self-esteem, extremely anxious and finding making friends and new situations extremely difficult. Family life was punctuated with angry outbursts followed by guilt and shame, and school had become so unbearable that he was now being home schooled.
The analysis of his very early history revealed a difficult start to the pregnancy and the physical assessment showed a profile of retained baby reflexes, the continued presence of which can hinder a child achieving their true potential.
I recommended that the child start a daily movement programme of prescribed exercises designed to improve the physical maturity within an individual’s central nervous system, together with craniosacral therapy as necessary.
Early in the therapy programme, it came to light that one of the key issues holding him back was ‘visibility’ – how would he be perceived by others? This caused extreme anxiety and defiant anger every time he needed to go to a new place or environment.
I encouraged the family to play ‘visibility games’ where the lad would hide and mum could enthusiastically greet and tell him she loved him when he reappeared.
What was happening here?
Jacqui had encouraged the lad to repattern a very early imprint from around the time of ‘discovery’ – when mum had discovered she was pregnant. At that time, she did not feel ready for another baby and was really worried about how she would cope with two very young children. This had left the lad with an imprint of not feeling welcome which was recapitulating into every new situation he found himself in – how would he be received by others?
This new awareness, together with completing the Developmental Movement Programme to integrate his retained reflexes means he is now able to happily engage in more activities and is gradually expanding his friendship group. Angry outbursts are also much less meaning family life is calmer.
My work has resulted in feedback from families who say –
- Family life is calmer – bedtimes/mealtimes/homework are easier;
- Their child is happier and more contented having improved self-esteem;
- Their child is more able to cope with change and transition;
- Their child is now achieving more both academically and in sports;
- They feel empowered to parent with greater clarity.
I see my clients at my Therapy Space in Chippenham, as well as arranging online appointments if they live further away.